Dad drives the dinghy across the channel to Great Guana Cay. It takes about nine minutes. We put one anchor on the beach and one out in the sand next to Oven Rock. We walk down the beach and see an arrow pointing to a pathway.
We hike over a mountain. Manchineel trees are poisonous and we see two of them on the path. I see three hermit crabs. Then we see a big tree, and it’s at the entrance to the cave. The rocks down to the cave are a little slippery, but we make it down.
The first thing I see inside is a little rubber pig someone put there. Mom says she thought it was a bear and Tristan thought it was a dinosaur. It’s dark inside. I see stalactites and stalagmites, and clear pools of water. It feels very cool. I put my feet in the water and it cools my whole body.
Then Dad said “bats” when we were checking out the cave. Dad shines the light and we see about 45 bats. Some were hanging. Some were flying around. One was right above us. We see a big rock with brown stuff… all the bats must poop on that one rock. I feel sorry for that rock!
Then I spot an area up in the corner of the cave. We climb up to it. It was worth it. I could’ve gone deeper inside, but Dad said we had to go. It was a cool place because you could see the whole cave from up there. There was a flat surface where you could sit.
We follow our footsteps back over the mountain to the beach. We see a big land crab on the path. My shoes were filled with shells and my feet hurt. So when we get back to the beach, I take my shoes off and walk barefoot back to the dinghy.
If I didn’t get to do that today, it would definitely be on my bucket list.