I was excited and happy to be getting ready to go zipling. Tristan says he was a little bit scared and excited too when the guides started putting on the ziplining harness and safety gear.
After I heard the safety briefing, I got a little scared about hitting my head on the slow-down block. But I listened carefully and made sure to follow the instructions. The instructor said that if we mess with the gear, then we’re out and cannot continue on the ziplines.
Tristan volunteered to go first because the suspense was killing him he says. After Tristan, I went and then mom and dad. When I was getting clipped to the zipline, I got a little nervous. But the instructor didn’t try to talk to me, he just clicked me in and pushed me. Once I was away, I wasn’t nervous at all, just having fun.
The longest and highest lines were my favorites. It was Tristan says these made him a little nervous.We zipped through the treetops and were 85 feet off the ground. It was a great day. We tried eleven ziplines and did two rappels straight down. I’m glad I used the money Gogo gave me to go ziplining.